KitUp Adventures

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Our story

We want to create a world where adventure is always possible for everyone. People shouldn't be expected to buy all the kit they need for an adventure, just for it to sit in storage. Let's make better collective use of what we already have.


On a mission to reduce carbon footprint, one kit rental at a time

KitUp HQ envisions a world where most people don't need to own kit. Instead, they have an access to all of the kit that everyone owns - both businesses and individuals! They will always be able to find what they need.

In this world, adventure is not something that people dream of. It is a reality that everyone can enjoy, whenever they want to, resulting in a happier and healthier population. At the same time, reduced production of outdoor equipment means a reduced impact on the environment - the one we need to enjoy our adventures.

"You know where I wanna be right now? Right here. Nowhere else. Not in the future, not in the past. This is what I worked for all my life." --Yvon Chouinard